2024-2025 Grading & Reporting Updates
We are excited to introduce our new grading and reporting platform, SES SmartScore, for grades K-8 this year. We believe that this new platform will improve our teachers' ability to provide specific and timely feedback to students, assess students objectively against targeted standards, and communicate with families clearly about students' progress throughout the year.
At this time, our preschool will continue to use TS Gold as their assessment and reporting tool, and Lake Region Union High School will continue to use the grading system that they have been using.
Please review the overview below to learn more about SES SmartScore, including how to login to the SmartScore Family website and how to navigate the SmartScore report card.
Navigating the "Student Learning Snapshot" (Report Card)
Please review the resources below to guide you through the process of reading and understanding the SmartScore report card.
Logging Into the SmartScore Family Website
Parents/Guardians: Watch the walkthrough videos above for information on how to login and use the SmartScore Family website to get information about your student's progress. You can view the "report card" with updated information at any time, and you can also see feedback on individual assignments for each of your student's classes!
General Information About SmartScore
General Guidelines for Assessing Student Work
Please review these guidelines for formative and summative assessment of students' progress in your classroom.
Video Tutorials for Teachers:
Creating Assignments & Entering Scores in SES SmartScore
Watch this teacher training session from September, 2024
Access the SmartScore Quick Guide
Watch this tutorial video for help with building assignment rubrics in SES SmartScore.
Watch this tutorial video for help with creating assignments in SES SmartScore.
Watch this tutorial video for help with entering assessment scores for assignments in SES SmartScore.
Watch this tutorial video for help with entering a score of "Expected Progress" for students who are on track with a standard but have not yet demonstrated mastery.