Educational Support Team

The Educational Support Team (EST) is one component of a school’s Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS). The EST acts as a “think tank,” reviewing student performance data and identifying students who need additional support in order to succeed, organizing varied supports for individual students, and monitoring student progress over time. Members of a school’s EST include a building administrator, teachers, a school counselor, special education staff, a school psychologist or social worker as appropriate, a student, the student’s family, and other experts as needed. Together these participants collaborate in developing and reviewing plans designed to support teachers, students, and their families in partnering effectively to meet students’ needs. The EST may also provide data to support the leadership team in reviewing systems, planning professional development, and distributing resources.

School EST Coordinators

Albany – Lindsay Martin
Barton – Erica Gongloff, Kristen Robinson
Brownington – Missy Ferland
Glover – Kyle Chadburn
Irasburg – Pam Enterline
Lake Region –Amy Kelley
Orleans – Laura Lacroix
PreK - Julie Lavine
OCSU- ​Sherrie Gentry, Kyle Chadburn

Click here for EST forms

For a slideshow of the EST process in OCSU click here.

You can find additional information about EST on the Vermont Agency of Education's website.